

  • I'm in. 1. I cannot whistle. Though Ihave been trying to learn for years. 2. I am deathly afraid of slugs. 3. I still watch Murder, She Wrote every night on the Hallmark Movie Channel.
  • Thanks for the pointers. I know what I need to do, I just need to get it done. One day at a time. Starting with a water overhaul and trying to make sure I eat breakfast everyday.
  • Would love to join. I have a super hyper 3 year old son and an 8 month old girl.
  • Have only been exercising. I do a lot of walking. I don't eat all that much (I think), but I don't keep track of what I'm eating either. I tend to go most of the day without eating until I suddenly realize I'm starving, then I eat whatever I can get my hands on. I drink a lot of sugary drinks to that I need to cut out.…