

  • Hmm I thought about anemia. Definitely going to get some blood work done hopefully within the he next couple days, definitely want to check out my ear as we'll. I really appreciate all of the shared information!!
  • You and another user have just recently brought to my attention my ear problem. I wasn't aware that it could cause dizziness and feeling faint as badly as I've been experiencing. My nutrition is very good. I'm vegetarian but I eat if say at least 2000 calories daily. Mostly from fruits, veggies, raw green juices, whole…
  • Interesting you bring that up.... I've actually thought I've had an inner ear problem with my right ear. If there's a really loud noise it's almost like static sounding happens in that ear. Not only do I hear static, but if i tap the top of my head on the left side, it sounds similar to there being water stuck in my ear or…
  • I'd say at least 2000-2500 calories a day. It's all from fruits, veggies, whole grains, juicing. Sometimes more sometimes less
  • I'm not experiencing any stomach pain, I went to the dr today and my heart and blood pressure is normal. Makes me a little more at ease but still need to get some blood work done. Thank you for your time & your reply!!
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