

  • This is crazy!!! I had gotten food poisening and was so sick throwing up, ended up in hospital didn't eat for three days and lost 1lbs! Absolutely nuts this celexa is crap!!! I posted before I eat right, wrkout twice day doing weights and cardio and have been working out almost all my life! I've never had such a hard time…
  • I have been taking for 8 or 9 months too and I am fitness freak, and have not lost a 1lbs! I've been working out for a long time and never had this problem ! I actually started to think if I had thyroid problem but had it checked and I'm fine? So I stepped up my workouts, lifting weights with p90x and than after I go for…
  • OMG!! I read yr post and wanted to say congrats for getting off of it! I have been on it for less than a year but before that I was on Prozac for my depression! I have always been on something for many years, ever since I going through a horrible marriage and than through a divorce. For many years I was in bad shape from…
  • Hi, I am also taking celexa for almost a year now and I workout 6days a week, doing weights as well as cardio in the same day! I am eating healthy always watching what I eat! I am having a hard time losing weight and getting really frusterated because I cut so many things out of my diet more and more, working out like…
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