Lol, Deadpool is hilarious.
Having an affair before or after weight loss is wrong. Yup some people have affairs after they get in shape because they're just bad people. The weight loss doesn't change who they are, it just makes it easier for them to be their awful waste of oxygen selves. As you can tell I have no sympathy for cheaters. A cheater will…
No I would never do that. HYE attempted to join the mile high club?
pants, 2 sports bras :ohwell:, undies, round brush, shampoo, razor, socks, knee braces, dancing shorts, convertible dance tights, leotard, dance footie things, and running shoes.
I loved John Saul novels as a teen, haven't read any of his work recently. Oh and it's ok if you read the 50 shades series...I did, even my hubby read them, they were funny.
Redemption Ark by Alistair Reynolds It's an amazing series if you like sci-fi, this is the second to last book.
True Blood, Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, American Horror Story I don't watch anything else on TV. Actually I only turn it on when those shows are on. :ohwell:
Good advice! Not going below your BMR is important. You shouldn't deprive your body of the nutrients it requires especially if you work out a lot. This will help you figure out what your BMR is and where you should be intake wise based on exercise. It's a general guide, if you're…
Cellulite is actually pretty common and normal. Not really much you can do about it except stop worrying about it. Men don't care, women have it and just gotta deal with it. Even the super rich have cellulite. But here's some info I found that might be helpful: 1.…
Do you get a lunch break at work? Personally I can't get motivated to work out in the early morning or when I'm off work so I workout during my lunch break. I get it done and it gives me a mid day boost.
Tight hamstrings? I recommend getting a second opinion, from an orthopedist as it's their specialty. It could be depleted cartilage, arthritis, misaligned patellas or something else. A general practitioner will not have the expertise to properly diagnose it. I'm going in for xrays soon because I have knee pain as well.…
No secret: CHEESE (obsession since childhood, mmmm), bacon, vanilla ice cream and french fries. I don't really eat the ice cream or fries but they're lovely.
anorexia nervosa, anorexia athletica, bulimia (short-lived), excessive use of diuretics and laxatives, and excessive use of "diet pills". I think that's about it :ohwell:
All men? Something tells me that homosexual men prefer women...far away from them, lol. In other news all straight men are attractive to women and the Earth isn't square! Oh also...the Sun does NOT orbit Earth. :tongue:
Some people don't want to be judged? If you hide your eating habits it's usually because you're ashamed of them. They're either eating too much, too little, or the "bad" types of foods. Imagine how chastised a person would be if they made their fast food filled diary public and then when in the forums to complain about…
David Tennant is nice looking. I love lanky British men.
Science bishes. :tongue: lol
Ding ding ding. Winner winner chicken dinner. Although I will say...some relationships are structured to make a sammich for the man that doesn't make you sammiches (because you don't eat them) and as long as both parties are into it, it's fine. Personally I also like kneeling by his chair while he strokes my hair :tongue:
Great video...totally true Man brain vs woman brain Full 2 hr video:
+1. You need to work on your insecurities, self esteem issues (maybe even damage from prior abusive relationships?). Having slight insecurities is human, but when they affect your life the way yours clearly are, they're not minor.
How is co dependency abusive? It's not healthy but it's no abuse. That's an entirely different thing. She's stated he's nice and polite. How did you jump to abuse? The OP has posted before about HER insecurities, which are still evident in this post. :ohwell:
Is there really or are you just being a woman and making situations up in your head? We all do it. Does he actually have feelings for his ex, or are you being paranoid because he said he thinks about her sometimes...which is normal. Cooking and cleaning for someone isn't going to make them any more or less in love with…
Sounds to me like you just lost a lot more weight. About 170 lbs of dead weight. I've never been dumped for being overweight, at one point I was 260 lbs and still hit on by what I thought were very attractive men. He said it has been "months" that he was no longer attracted to you...yet after you lost 20 lbs he decided to…
Hormones dear. Your hormone levels are readjusting since you're no longer on the pill. It should go away by the time your next cycle comes along.
I only eat the toppings anyway, my husband hates it, lol.
April... First of all your body needs to adjust to the increase in calories. Your dietician is right about them being too low, especially with your activity level. One thing you were not specific about is how much weight gain you're talking about. Did you gain 10 lbs or did you gain 2? If you're eating closer to what your…
I don't think I've ever met a guy who would be opposed to a woman sharing similar interests as him. I think it depends on the guy if he even cares. My current relationship has been the most successful because we share so many common interests: NASCAR, video games, action/sci-fi movies; "guy" sports. I still do girly things…