

  • I'm 26 and also a fan of Jillian Michaels. Currently trying to set up some time to do the 30 day shred by getting off from my second job. Used to do it before and got some great results!
  • Thanks everyone! I'm already starting to feel the motivation coming through ;) @lynstans I wanted to quote you, but then realized I wanted to quote everything you had just posted. Just want to say that WOW you are freaking awesome and I hope I'm as successful as you are!
  • Thank you! I was going to originally stop eating cheese all together but, I love cheese too much! I hadn't thought about looking into low sodium cheeses, so that'll help greatly. Thanks for the tip :)
  • Hi and thank you! This is basically what happened to me...I met my fiance and let myself go a little bit. So I need to get to my healthy weight not only to appeal to my fiance, but also to appeal to myself. Would definitely love to fit in my little sisters jeans lol