sallyado Member


  • thanks everyone for the info.... i have an appt tomorrow & im just check it out... ido realize that there isnt any quick fix or magic pill... you are all awesome!!! thanx again:tongue:
  • Hey, has ne one ever heard of weight control drs? There is a local drs group in my area called weight control.. they apparently give u shots of b12 lots of vitamins & appetite suppressants to get u to ur goal... does ne one know of this? and more importantly does it work?????
  • Im actually getting this video today called the 30 DAY SHREDDER i haven't used it yet but so many ppl tell me its a great work out tool.... and there are 3 levels to it. I here you can also download off of you tube for free.. good luck :wink:
  • well im roughly around 190lbs ... i yoyo up and down 5 lbs or so but right around 190.what do you think?
  • Thats a good idea i haven't even thought of that thanks..:smooched:
  • I have a wedding to go to in the end of may and I'm a bride's maid in the wedding.. the dress the bride selected only goes up to a size 12 so that is the one I bought.. But I am a size 16 in dresses...:indifferent: So im trying to lose around 30lbs so i may fit the part.. Do I have a fight chance???:noway:
  • wow great job on your weight loss thus far.... thats incredible you have already shown how capable you are in losing weight.. god bless you and your family (&family to come :wink: )
  • :smooched: thank you all so much for your ideas and support though I had a rough morning..(5 hershey kisses) I'm trying to be proactive and im having a salad for lunch (all greens & lite dressing) and I am working on good ideas for dinner... i will try and keep u updated!!:love:
  • :sad: I have been using this site for a few months now and I find it is very affective when i use it consistantly... but lately i haven't been tracking my calories daily. My clothes are begining to get more and more snug :grumble: I would really like to get serious and lose about 50+ ..... any suggestions???
  • hello everyone.... my name is sally & i just began using this site about 2 weeks ago. i have already lost 7 pounds.... i am so happy a friend introduced me to this site!! im glad to be here :)
    in hey! Comment by sallyado April 2008