valadilene Member


  • I dated a guy who was 5'8 and 190.. and was also considered 'obese' Casper, according to the BMI. You could wash your clothes on this guys abs.. and he could probably crack a walnut in the bend of him arm just by flexing Alas.. the BMI is not for those with muscle. Mine is 23, which is almost at the top of normal for my…
  • As others have said, I think its a bit unrealistic to be trying to lose 5 lbs in a month when you are already 125. The less you have to lose, the longer it takes. Another good method to up your caloric intake is to have a 'cheat' meal. I have mine once a week.. and it helps keep me sane, and able to stick to healthy food…
  • I also gained a pound this week, but I try not be get discouraged (try being the operative word) I've been in under my caloric needs everyday this week but one, and worked out vigorously (I do Kung fu five days a week for an hour), and still that extra pound. But like a few others said, I'm pretty sure its a combo of…
    in RATS! Comment by valadilene April 2010