with you when i can!! Ive had a bad case of pneumonia that has set me back about a week... im hoping to jump back on the band wagon with a week of doubles after next week so as not to fall TOO behind. Ive been walking etc to keep myself at least partially active. keep up the great work!
cardio done this morning! ive gotta say, its only been a week but it feels a little easier. heres to a great double day tomorrow!!!
cardio done late last night, total body an hour ago, feelin GREAT! how about everyone else??
Week one is in the books--- i had to workout as soon as i got home from work, i knew i wouldn't be able to otherwise. So glad everyone of us has stuck through week one, now we know what T25 is all about! keep up the great work!!!!
I actually watch the videos before I do them each time just so I know what I'm getting into. I find that its easier to do the workouts because you can think back to what they were doing and try to mimic rather than stare at the screen and try to get the move, just to nail it once when the interval is over. Having said…
speed 1.0 was a success last night -- definitely tired me out!
great workout!! Shaun T is just as great as he is in insanity.
From what I've gathered, there are a few differences between the Gamma package and the basic package that we all got.... Gamma is cheaper because its only that phase (not Alpha and Beta) AND it has weight lifting unlike Alpha and Beta... basically T25 has month one (alpha) and month two (beta) Gamma would be the bonus…
I'm 21 and SO committed to revamping my eating and exercise habits! I'm from the east coast - living in Providence, RI anddd I'm beginning Focus T25 on Monday - can't wait to get fit and stay motivated! feel free to add!! :)
It's funny because I was thinking the same exact thing to myself last night as I was going to bed... and eating some tortilla chips just because they were there. I'm addicted to food. I've been reading a lot of healthy living blogs and articles and I've come to the conclusion that we can track our food, we can try and say…