You may add me as well when I started last February I was 376.5 lbs, this morning was the first time I have weighed under 300lbs in years. Every pound you lose is success. Start with small goals and as many others have said be honest in your log entrys and buy a kitchen scale if you don't already have one it is an…
The other post is correct, both are going down or your cup size would go up. The cup size is measured by subtracting the inches of your bust from the inches of your chest. So if you were not decreasing in the bust that number would get bigger as your chest got smaller. :D Congrats on your loss.
I am motivated by watching my numbers come down. I love looking periodically at the reports and seeing the line on the chart drop each week (sometimes every other week LOL). It is really exciting and uplifting to me. Keep at it you will get there too.