Islandgirl1983 Member


  • Choose your fruits wisely. 1 banana 30g sugars; 1 cup sliced strawberries 12g. The strawberries are of course the better choice. In addition if you eat a protien with your fruit your body will metabolize the sugar slow and steady.
  • Roasted! I take a variety of root vegetables, beets, yam (I only eat 1/2 cup of the yam at times because of the carbs), onion, garlic, carrots, brussel sprouts, rosemary, salt & pepper. Roast in a 350 degree oven for about 45 minutes. I make a large sheet pan full so I have them through the week. They are great with over…
  • I agree not all bodies treat calories equally. After years of thinking a calorie is a calorie i discovered for my body type calories that come from simple carbs equal high weight gain. I discovered this 2 years ago. I had done well on my eating plan between Thanksgiving and Christmas and lost weight. I treated my self to…