

  • You've already taken two steps on your new journey, just keep taking them along the way and you'll be achieving your goal in no time. Don't look at the big picture, break it down into easy to do changes, that will eventually become life changes. This way you're not overwhelming yourself. Take baby steps and work your way…
  • I'm 5'3" and started last July 20th (270+ days on MFP) at 280 currently at 253.5. I've always considered myself large frame. It has been a really slow loss for me, but I've learned so much and been discouraged, but haven't given up once! I also have pcos, which is a stubborn beast. I try to focus more on how my clothes are…
  • NSV for me! I finally was able to get outside, despite it being 30° this morning and run around a local lake. Not too fast at 2.2 miles in 37 minutes, but it's a good start and I'm off that treadmill (been working out for the last two months on it). I was feeling like a caged rat. I'll be up early in the morning and going…
  • I feel for you. I had the more horrible flu of my life a few weeks ago, lost 10lbs! It wasn't fun. :( Try to get some saltine crackers and nibble on them, maybe some plain toast. For liquids, water, ginger ale, c-boost was one of my favorites.. it's packed with vitamins. And if you get worse, go to the dr., they may have…
  • This was me after a horrible flu, I was off my routine for 10 days and it was so hard to get back at it. I took each day and did a little at a time and worked back up and now I'm back on track. Don't look at it as, I have to workout for 30 minutes. Do 10 or 15 and the next day do 15 or 20 and so on. You will get there. If…
  • Congratulations!! I love not only the progression of your weight loss, but of your smile. You just look so happy! Well done!