monmon028 Member


  • @msbiz guess what?! I dumped the old school scale and took my butt to bed bath and beyond and picked up the biggest loser at home scale. It only cost about $5 more than what I originally spent for that lying wal-mart digital scale. It's been consistent every time! Plus, you're right-- the decimals make all the difference.
  • @Christin09 As dedicated as you are, I think you'd be doing more harm than good if you DIDN'T take the meds of cough drops or any other medications to help you get through your cold. Also, I doubt it will have a drastic effect on your weight loss. There are sugar free options you can consider too. Get better soon!
  • @EVERYONE It's impossible for me to eat the same meals over and over. One day I may have teriyaki chicken, the next day I may have a chipotle bowl, or the next day I may have lettuce wraps. Is this going to effect my weight loss? I'm on week 2, and so far, no weight loss at all since Saturday. Hmph! I haven't been eating…
  • PS- I used to be ok with beans...and now I despise them! Does anyone have any good recipes that incorporate beans discretely? I do however love Edamame. So maybe I'll stick to those. Is there anything else I can eat to make up for my hatred for beans????
  • @msbiz What a downer! I got the new scale, just a normal non digital scale and I guess those 8lbs I THOUGHT I lost was actually 5 lbs =[ . Then after cheat day, I gained about 2lbs. Darn scales. Oh well, time to press on. I'm going to start relying on measurements. Tim does mention that calorie counting is not the best…
  • @msbiz also I could be losing weight faster because I have more weight to lose =P I started at 235lbs (This was on a regular WORKING scale) I am apparently 223 as of this morning but seeing as how my scale is inaccurate, I am assuming I am about 5lbs heavier than what it says. I'll let you know the accurate figures once I…
  • @msbiz I am a female =) and I totally plan on sending that liar scale back to walmart! I'll take your advice and head to costco. It's Monday and two days since my cheat day! I was afraid I would fall deeply in love with the cheat day and forget to get back on track. But I hopped back on and so far so good. I was afraid to…
  • @msbiz I am assuming a lot of the weight gain is attributed to more muscle? 9" is a great accomplishment, and in my opinion a great reason to press forward with this plan! Well I am officially done with my first week!!! And I am HAPPY to report an 8lbs weight loss since Monday! I was also terrified because of the…
  • @Violynist-- I notice that too, I first read the section specific to the SCD and I am now reading through the rest of the book, and it's obvious why a bunch of people question different foods (including myself). Like you said, he mentions dairy etc a lot throughout other sections of the book. But yes I agree with you, " if…
  • @umd & @Goalis Thanks for all your input I really feel that I have a better handle on this now. Sugar free jello it is! So for the meals, when Tim says "Have the same few meals over and over again"--- does that literally mean we should have the same recipes? Or just as long as we use one component from proteins, legumes,…
  • Hi Everyone! I hope you folks don't mind me butting into this thread. I am on day 3 of the SCD and I feel like I have been wearing google down with endless questions and a search for support. I'm so glad to come across this forum, I've been reading through the posts and you all have already been such a HUGE help. Like I…