

  • Hi Flower, I'm actually kind of stuck at the moment in terms of weight, I think I might try your suggestion because at the moment, I'm lifting rather heavy in supersets with the hope of burning calories but also possibly building a small amount of "beginner mass/definition" which I'm told is possible on a calorie deficit…
  • Thanks everyone, you have pretty much confirmed what I was uncertain about. I will keep the strength training in there since I don't want to lose muscle and I keep the workouts sweaty and intense and heart rate above 100. Also, yes I'm rating sufficient protein and some carbs. I'll probably start a bulk/cut in the future…
  • Yes but most of the weight loss was before i hit 30lbs lost, I want to know if the overall training regiment + nutrition deficit makes sense. or if I'm making any mistakes that I should correct to get optimal results.
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