Ctrum69 Member


  • Pork wants to be slow and low. That's the only thing that's going to get that tissue to break down (same with beef brisket, btw).. for a pulled pork shoulder in the smoker, I'm looking at @ 200-250 degrees, for 6-8 hours, depending on the size of the shoulder/butt. The "instant pot", I'm assuming, is a steamer/rice…
  • I have the Basis Peak, and have been using it for over a year now. I love it. That said, it is just a fitness tracker, calorie tracker, and sleep tracker. It's not accurate enough to use as a dedicated monitor for workouts where I'm trying to stay in "my zone", I have found, as it's a sampling HRM, rather than a streaming…
  • Trans-fats. Bad, Period. NO need for them.
  • How's your posture? Seriously. If you are slouching at the shoulders, sort of slope shouldered and swaybacked, it will cause that area to tilt forward, unnaturally. Not sure if that may be why you are noticing it more?
  • Trollin', trollin' trollin' Trollin', trollin' trollin' Trollin', trollin' trollin' Trollin', trollin' trollin', Walleye Trollin', trollin' trollin' Lakes and streams are swollen Fingers nearly frozen, Walleye Through wind and rainy weather We're in this boat together Six packs, lures and leeches by our side I've been…
  • Have you compared the Basis B1 with them? I believe the new model has interchangeable bands. I really like my basis. It appears to track a lot more than the Fitbits do, and doubles as an actual watch. Its' not an HRM for exercise, but works fine for walking around day to day.
  • Stretch marks are like battle scars that prove you are not afraid to live life and OWN IT. Don't bother me in the slightest.
  • Master's in Soc, and a n Ed D.. so yes, she's got a Doctorate, however, she's a therapist, not a prescribing physician.
  • Great mixed message. "Eat a nutrutionally healthy diet" (which is going to naturally contain tons of anti oxidants). OH NOES No green leafy veggies or fish. You'll get cancer.
  • Yeah, though I derped on lactose being a protein, not a sugar. But thanks.
  • Huh. clearly, it's not gluten, as rye has gluten in spades. That's actually really interesting. Thanks for sharing that!
  • I don't want to see people be so narcissistic that they think their decisions are a good reason to deride others. Guess we are both in for dissapointment.
  • I cannot understand why Bleu cheese would be an issue. Of course, I also had someone with a straight face say you couldn't eat steak, because it probably contained gluten, because cows eat wheat. *blink* *blink*
  • I gave zero credence to the "gluten" thing. My sister went on a gluten elimination diet, and learned she is sensitive to it. I figured, hey.. genetics.. I should try this too. So I did. Now, I realize not everyone can bake their own bread and make their own crackers, so my experience may not be possible for everyone, but…
  • Don't project your own self loathing on others. The choices you make for yourself are yours. Assuming that all right thinking people will agree with you, and therefore, if they don't they are contemptible is where you fail. You are fully within your rights to decide who earns your respect and who does not. If you live your…
  • No.. some guy photographed auras.. so it's SCIENCE! And it WORKS! And Voodoo wouldn't have been practiced for hundreds of years if it wasn't true.
  • My doctor told me to take up dowsing, get my aura checked, and get a voodoo doll. I feel SO much better now.
  • I think the issue is we got trained as kids to accept wheat in _everything_. Remember the old "part of a healthy breakfast" ads that showed choco-crunch cereal, eggs, toast, milk, and orange juice? If you take out the choco-crunch cereal it's just as healthy a breakfast, and that cereal is primarily wheat. We also get sly…
  • Yep. Plus home made bread tastes freakin AWESOME!
  • Low Carb is the devil. If I want arrythmia, all I have to do is go low carb.
  • They are bad for some people. This does not mean the are bad for everyone. Some people have no issues with them. This does not mean nobody does.
  • Yep. The plural of anecdote is not data. A book voicing an opinion that does not properly reflect the science it claims to be spreading is not data, it is anecdote. Dr Oz quoting said book, is not data, it is anecdote. Someone here quoting Dr Oz.. the same. That's three anecdotal points.. which still, together, do not…
  • Just out of curiosity, how did you add wheat back in?
  • I think not eating for a good month would probably be the killer there.
  • You do realize me quoting you is not, by default, arguing with you, right? I was agreeing with what you said, and adding on. "U mad"?
  • ^^this^^ If you have a problem with fat, then don't have any. It's as simple as that. People going "Oh Emm Gee! Look at this fat acceptance movement! THis is horrible".. no, what's horrible is that you cannot, or will not, accept that the choices you make for yourself are your own, and you do not get to make them for…
  • I eliminated all gluten (except beer) from my diet, for a month. My sinuses cleared up, my resting heart rate dropped, I started sleeping better, and my chronic heartburn utterly dissapeared. I added back home made bread (five or six ingredients, locally sourced wheat), and none of those problems reappeared. I added back…
  • Nobody is saying that. However, "get rid of gluten, live to be 1000 and lose weight without even trying" is the fad diet du jour. There's an entire industry trying to convince you YOU ARE allergic to gluten. And you may be! Or, you may not be, and "cutting out gluten" really means "cutting out a whole lot of really high…
  • That's not how it works. If you are going to state that the science is flawed, it's on you to prove it.
  • I think its' actually combination of 2 or 3 "speakers" who have risen to varying levels of prominence over the years. I do remember actually seeing (in a video, I think?) the "touch the can of sugar! LOOK! YOU ARE WEAK!" routine done, as well as the "And now I'll touch his back twice.. MIRACLE!" thing. And I've certainly…