

  • If this is truly your only option and you don't have an opportunity to relocated, maybe suggest to some other parents that you guys request a work day at the daycare. All of the moms and dads can get together to fix things, plant new flowers, deep clean, etc. (A lot of churches hold quarterly work days, that's sort of what…
  • The same thing happens to me! I just assumed I was weird. I smell a more ammonia-like smell. So strange.
  • High protein, filling snacks: Greek yogurt dip w/ veggies, flavored Greek yogurt w/ a couple tablespoons granola, hummus w/ veggies, Kashi bars, almonds or pistachios.
  • I'm also always over my fiber. I don't think it's something you should worry about too much!
  • They also make a salt free Tony Chachere's... http://www.simplycajun.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=268 Or you could use Accent!
  • You should check the privacy and security settings in your browser under "Tools" and "Options" or "Internet Options." There should be somewhere to check "Remember passwords" or something similar... and you can uncheck something that may say "erase my private data." Only do this if this is your private computer, though.…
  • Diet Cherry and Coke Zero Cherry are great in chocolate cake mix!
  • I don't think saying that they're a "no no" is accurate... unless you're doing a LOW or NO carb diet. Yams/ sweet potatoes are high, also. Potatoes can be a good low calorie option if prepared without oil/ butter (boiled, baked, etc.). Eat healthfully and eat in moderation, but don't deprive yourself! Enjoy your potatoes,…