

  • really bad idea...would not recommend it unless you like to *kitten* boulders.
  • I dont only live on juices but use the juicer and/or a blender everyda for either breakfast or for a snack. It is a really good idea. Some of my fav combos for the blender. I use soy milk cos it tastes better blended not cos I dont drink cow milk two bananas one x 2 inch peice of ginger cinnamon 100 ml of soy milk one…
  • I was just thinking about this today at the gym and wondered what everyone else listens too. Depending on my mood I listen to Ministry of Sound Running Trax -if I feel really pumped. For something really different tonight I put on Massive Attack and it was really good. Not cos it made me pumped but the tracks are so…
  • Not gross...can do lots with it. I have it a few times a week 1. I had it for dinner about ten minutes ago, stir fried with chilli garlic coriander spring onions soy and sesame oil. yummy! 2. Also my vegan lover made for me mushrooms filled with mashed pumkin and soft tofu belnded together with cummin and nutmeg. it was…
  • I reckon about 28