

  • I've just re-read the post. Do you mean actually logging or aiming for daily goals? I must admit log every day, ill normally put my breakfast and lunch in the night before as i know what I'm taking to work etc. Dinner I'll do at lunch time. I log every day because it screws up my weekly average and i need to wait a whole…
  • My breakfast and lunch are pretty much the same every day which means there's not a lot of room for error. My dinner is a piece of meat 80gms (uncooked) of rice or pasta, or 250(ish)gms of potato and veg or salad. That formula pretty much always brings me in on or around my goal, if i deviate or make things complicated…
  • I just shrug, eat what I want, add it up the next day & accept that that I wont be losing as much as I maybe could have. Which is ok, its not a race and there is no finish line its a lifelong change. Only advice I would give is leave the guilt behind, enjoy your day, accept it as a part of your diet and nutrition instead…