MrsGist Member


  • I am also a weekend warrior. I am clean as a whistle during the week, but come weekends, watch out! I love my dates with my hubby, brunches, cocktails, etc. I've started using alternate day fasting (JUDDD, EODD) as a way to balance the scales (pun intended). I have more weight to lose than you, so I fast (500-600cals)…
  • There are four of us just outside Chicago. My little ones are 2 and 7 months. We spend about $800/month on groceries, $200 on baby supplies (2 in diapers), and about $300 on eating out. It is pretty pricy out here. My daughter's organic milk is $6.99/gallon. I buy on sale when I can, but it is really relative. When you…
  • I had a fitness teacher tell us to eat the same thing for one meal a day. Like oatmeal every morning for breakfast or a salad every day for lunch. Personally, I like a little more variety, but it does help to keep you on track, especially if that meal is super healthy. I feel like the same thing for every meal every day…