I hear you. I dutifully log the drinks I have and boy, do they ever add to the calorie count. I've been at this for 6 months now, and I'm pretty sure if I'd cut out the booze I'd be at my goal by now. I spent 3 months in Mexico this winter, and really tried to limit the intake. But I still had tequila and beer now and…
Good goal-setting, L.! Mine: To be under 150 for the first time in a good two decades. I'm looking at 145 as a goal and THEN I WANT TO STAY THERE! I topped out, once at just over 200. In recent years, I've hung around 177-185, but at that weight I have heart burn all the time. Likely a hiatus hernia. I got tired of this,…
Hi there! Don't be surprised if I don't check in here all that often; I tend to forget about the forums and such. I find it immensely helpful to track what I eat, though, as far as keeping me in line.