

  • Hello! I meant that I had changed my shoes - how would I know if they weren't suitable as they feel fine and supportive? I was new to running, yes. I had never run before in my life so I started the couch to 5k and I managed to get to, I think, week 5/6? But the increase was too much for me so I stopped, then I started…
  • skullshank - I know I don't need to eat healthy foods to lose weight, but I want to be a healthier eater. I don't eat any healthy foods so must be missing out on all the vitamins and minerals I need. I'm always tired as well, and I'm always hungry. I'm NEVER satisfied with what I've eaten, as everything I eat is quite high…
  • Haha! I'm assuming you misread the f for a p?
  • That sounds like a good idea! I started the Couch to 5k but even those runs proved to be too much for my legs. I'll have to look into the compression sleeves as well. Very hard to build up any stamina or improve my breathing when I can't run for more than a minute. Thanks for your help!