MountainSam Member


  • I love it as well :) Where do you go for hiking ?
  • Nice pic, Liz
  • The scenery changes ....
  • Some pics from Mount Bandera, WA hike today. Highest point: ~5200 ft; elvation gain : ~3400 ; out and back 8 miles. Calories burnt ~1800
  • I was thinking the same way about the winters but a couple of discussions (one here on MFP infact) made me change my mind: I am going to get snow-shoes and a very-warm jacket :)
  • It sometimes surprises (but it shouldn't) to see how many heroes live amongst us. Folks who overcome impossible and difficult situations. More power to you, @smsquash. I look forward to seeing you ever-stronger strides into the world that your heart truly follows.
  • It was raining today. I decided to go for an easy trail, and went to Redmond Preserve. There is something magical about the sound and feel of rain in a forest. It was as close as one can get to perfect mindful living. The out and back walk of ~11 miles was so worth it. Total calories burnt: ~ 1800 #cantstophiking
  • Thanks again @NorthCascades
  • Hiked Mt Washington,WA today - burnt ~2500 calories. Great view
  • Very interesting insight, I must admit that while my body is begging me to give up my mind keeps on pushing me to take the next step, it is like a constant struggle. I know I have a limit but it is driven by estimation of the risk or survival. In most situations I find myself pushing my body limit. But please share what…
  • @7elizamae ...same here. My life style leads my fitness and hopefully not the way around, btw, I practice mindful living and these hike are also meditative. Thanks for sharing those lovely pics.
  • PNW is indeed awesome. I am beginning to plan for snow hikes. Was just thinking about getting gear for snow and ice. I was also in that sort of a 300ft location myself till about a year ago :)
  • This is the best (hard) trail I have been to, so far. So totally worth it.
  • Granite Mountain, WA hike today. Loved it, 10+ miles hike. It was foggy and rainy will do it again, Burt 2000+ calories as well ay
  • Great pictures. Hiking with family, double the fun.
  • Did this Moderate trail, Poo Poo Point, today. I did this same trail 3 months back when I started hiking this summer; I did it in half the time today. Pleased with the progress on fitness but I know I got some ways to go.
  • A little zen meditation break during the hikes is a wonderful gift to one's mind. Hearing one's breath only and filling the ears with all the sounds around like a sponge is a wonderful way to de-stress and be mindfully alive.
  • Awesome place to live. Do share some pics if possible. Thanks
  • I envy you for your job. What a great gig you got there ? :) And, you live in a great place also. I started hiking only recently, and aimed for a hike every Saturday. So far I have done 17 without any gaps. Please do share your experiences and pics here too. It will motivate all of us. Cheers !
  • One of the members of our group slipped and hurt her hand; we stopped the hike and turned around. We will return and take another stab soon, and will also look for that surprise trail :)
  • Exactly ! This is a benefit I was not expecting: it is mediative, therapeutic, spiritual. After the hikes, even though I am exhausted to the bones,I feel mentally wonderful. Something that I have not felt for years in this 9-to-5 (rather 9-to-9) job cycles. As somebody else noted, I also think, going for a walk in the…
  • @grinning_chick Great insights. Thank you. This message of yours goes cut-and-paste into my prep notes - for phase 2 of my hiking trips. The first chapter was to build stamina, confidence and also improve overall fitness. It is littered with update on cutting weight and burning calories. Another month or two of…
  • Awesome. I take my iPhone with me. It measures distance, and then I use this app to calculate lost calories. And, it has a camera. Very useful that it is light and can snap decent pics. :) Looking forward to seeing your hike's pics.
  • Go for it :) I told everybody around me that Saturday mornings belong to me. That I will go hiking. Surprisingly, it was far easier that I thought; everything than organizes around the Saturdayschedule. A little my-time is so important. I realize now that my relationships are improving a lot, as a result of this little…
  • Sunday morning hike. Breakfast at Stan's Overlook (no, not at Tiffanys :)) Fitness: Getting better. 2.2miles hike to Stan's Overlook, Rattle Snake Mountain, WA under 50mnts. Out and back 90mnts (excluding rest). Moderate incline ....but still.
  • Today in Oregon. Multnomah Falls, OR
  • @Joenali - Start with small steps. Build your confidence. Suggest doing a few easy and moderate hikes before doing the hard trails, even if it takes months or years. I use AllTrails app on iOS. Which gives a huge list of each category (easy, moderate and hard). Start with easy trails. The confidence might come back quicker…
  • @NorthCascades Granite in two weeks. This weekend I'm doing Stephens Pass - a moderate trail.
  • Thanks, how about you, do you hike regularly?