Alexandra_S Member


  • You're very beautiful! I thought so even before I saw your skinny photos. Now you look just fabulous! Congratulations! Amazing story, amazing person! Thank you for sharing with us.
  • I do it every morning before work. Planning is important. This way I can see if I'm writhing the limits and if my macros are OK. If I have to eat something different from what I planned I just update the diary. I think filling your diary before your meal is even better, this way you can be sure how much you eat.
  • If it's not an option now then google how to calculate your heart rate that will be ideal for fat burn. You'll need to play with your hrm for some time. Get more info on how to use that device for workouts and losing weight.
  • As I know it can be enough but your heart rate is crucial. You will only burn fat at the certain rate. So get a hrm and a personal trainer for a start to help you.
  • Oh, you're proud for a reason! That's a victory. Congrats!
  • I know that problem. You need something else to emotionally connect with, something that will cheer you up when you're sad, console, when you need it, be a reward, when you deserve it. Take up a hobby you would enjoy and find new friends with the same interests, it will make your life fulfilling and you won't need to cling…
  • Exactly! Nowadays every restaurant has a website. Go there and check their menu, maybe they even have info on calories and nutrition. If they don't, use mfp or other data base and choose the healthiest option. I know what you're talking about. Going to eat out on Wednesday and am a bit concerned about calories too. But I…
  • Dear Courtney, please read the 'so you're new here' topic in the 'getting started' forum. It is very helpful! Don't say it's your last attempt, nobody should ever give up on themselves. It's just silly. Don't set time frames, we are all here to change our lifestyle. Gradually. So just be positive and keep going. You can do…
  • I guess you've figured it out by now. Yes, Fitstar posts calories burnt automatically into your mfp account. The free version wasn't enough for me. I bought the year membership and now enjoy Fitstar every day as much as I want.
  • I am crazy about Fitstar. Have been using it for 3 months. Bought a year membership after a week. It's so motivating! And I really see my progress! This morning I stood in side-plank for 30 seconds! And I started from 15 sec. Please add me and add me on Fitstar too, I have only one friend there.