ani4life Member


  • That is soooo awesome...kudos to you and keep up the good work!!! :)
  • Not creepy at all! I have some REALLY awesome friends on here too...they're like my family. Once you add me, I'll hook you up. ;) Welcome to the family, lady! <333
  • I love non-fat Greek yogurt...some of the types with fruit may be too high in carbs for you (not sure how much you consider to be high), but you can always add some honey or agave nectar and fresh fruit to the plain kind. I also have recipes for homemade protein bars (LOVE THEM) and different types of protein pancakes if…
  • Good for look great. Keep up the good work! :)
  • I'm new here too...just joined on Thursday and I'm super excited about losing weight, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and having the encouragement of a support group and giving encouragement as well. Feel free to friend me too. :) Cheers, Candi
    in Newbie! Comment by ani4life March 2011