gabstotheabs Member


  • Add me! 50lbs to lose! From New England here.
  • I do a couple of things. Mainly I wait as long as I can all day to eat. Sometimes I will drink 100 calorie muscle milk shakes and chew gum through breakfast and lunch. That way, when dinner rolls around and I make a healthy 400 calorie dinner, I still have ~400calories to play with in terms of snacks. If I don't eat the…
  • No, I really wasn't required to do much before hand. It was a learn as you go type of thing. I could have benefited from counseling but if I were totally honest with myself I think I might have just ignored the counselor. I am too stubborn some times. That bring said, I did a ton of my own research before and after and got…
  • I started at about the same weight as you! We have similar goals, I would love to help each other out!