Any PR should be celebrated! Great work! :)
Wednesdays are conditioning days at my Box .. that said .. Part A) 10 Minute AMRAP (4+17 Rx) 10 pullups 15 Calorie Airdyne 20 Thrusters @ 45# (10 minute rest - work on mobility) Part B) 10 Minute AMRAP (5+7 Rx) 10 parallette shoot throughs (dip and pushup) 15 box jumps (24") 20 russian KBS @ 35#
Don't want to turn it into one of "those" threads (too many haters) but my recent CrossFit victory is a full recovery from an Achilles rupture .. 4 month recovery and am finally back to form .. no limitations and am getting ready for the Open. :)
Strength / Skill: Strict Press - build to a heavy triple 2 AMRAP downsets @ 75% of the heavy triple. 3 sets strict pullups (done between AMRAP sets) WOD: For total time: 20 unbroken shoulders to OH (95#) Rest 1 min 15 unbroken T2B Rest 1 min 10 unbroken HSPU Rest 1 min Row or AD 30 Cal Rest 1 min 10 unbroken HSPU Rest 1…
Strength / Skill: EMOTM for 15 minutes: Min 1-5: 3 clean pulls Min 6-10: 3 power cleans Min 11-5: 1 clean + 2 front squat (2 second pause at the bottom of each squat) * Ended up hitting a PR my full clean @ 195#. WOD (6:34Rx) 5 Rounds For time: 10 Hang Power Cleans Unbroken (95#) 15 Wall Ball Shots Unbroken (20# to 10ft)