Pretty cool beard
Very nice bag
Very fit
Did my undergraduate degree in Chemistry so I think I qualify =) Would love if some other Chem geeks could add me!
An intelectual
I would like a car like that...
Love the glasses!
Nooooooo way! All research points towards spanking leading to aggressive behaviour, lowered self confidence and even depression and anxiety problems later in life. No way would I ever hit my child.
An outdoorsy kind of girl I think...
Go for a swim!
Wishing you success!
Selena Gomez
I've been making lots of salads at the moment, and my favourite is: Spinach and Rocket Half a cup of brown rice Corn (cut from the cob) Grated carrot Pan fried beef strips ALL OF THE PEPPER.
Beautiful smile!
I wanted to be a scientist. I am now a scientist.
After looking through this list, I've come to the conclusion that my "expectations" seem to be quite low... I'm happily seeing someone now, but most of the things people have listed here as being deal breakers wouldn't have mattered in the beginning. There is such a thing as being too picky, and all the restrictions and…
Melbourne - Australia
Oh and if anyone would like to add me as a friend that would be great!