

  • It takes some cooking but if you make a big container of steelcut Irish oatmeal all at once, you can put it in the refr and eat from it all week. That with a cup of frozen wild blueberries: mmmmm. And it does stick to your ribs so you're not hungry in an hour.
  • You can make it yourself w a paper coffee filter. Drain it overnight and whats left has more protein. Google it.
  • Another redhead here
  • Definitely cinnamon. Helps to not spike the glucose and make you hungry.
  • I drink a lot of iced tea w Splenda and lemon wedge. It IS frustrating to have it not show up as liquid. Should I put it under "water"?
  • really huge difference. Way to go!
  • I have Hashimoto's (thyroid gland is gone). When you have an imbalance it is next to impossible to lose or gain weight by willpower. The amt of thyroid hormones dictates everything. Gave you gone to an endocrinologist rather than a general practioner? Very few md's without a specialty can help fine tune you if you're not…
  • Thanks for the input. I do yoga, level II/III twice a week and the entire room of Cybex machines on really heavy weights before the yoga. That's the only exercise that I do on a schedule. I like to walk, and I do a lot of around town things (34 years in Real Estate), but I can no longer carry any weight, because of the…