

  • I wish you well on your journey. I am just retired myself or in the beginning stages. Trying to figure out what to do with myself moving forward, but knew that getting myself fit should be one of the first things on the list, which is why I joined this group. I'm new to the blogging part but felt I needed all the…
  • Day three and I'm still shoveling out from Thursday's storm. Definitely qualifies as exercise! Way more than this out of shape 64 year old can handle in one session... I'm outside Baltimore and we got at least 16 inches. On the good side, the shoveling gets me out of the house and away from being a couch potato for a…
  • Started this yesterday! Was amazed at how easy it was to follow through and also that it was a good workout for someone as out of shape as I am. A great place to start! Thanks
  • Almost 65, just retired, involuntarily...need to lose weight and get in better shape to be able to fully enjoy this next chapter of my life - count me in!