

  • No need to be embarrassed.
  • When we're really sad, anything can get us sadder. So first of all, good step taken by getting treatment! Angry cat is probably your avatar for more than one reason, but I suggest a happier pic for you. Portray yourself as happy and eventually happy will be your reality. Supervisors cannot fault you for walking the halls…
  • I was revisiting this post. I am now at 210.5. My original high weight was 240.30 lbs GONE. I am heading for 200. Ist real goal. YEA!!!
  • Congratulations. Hope to do the same 69 lbs from now! Started at 232. I am putting my 1st goal at 200, then 190,180, etc till I'm satisfied. Tremendous hard work, my friend. You earned that grin on your face. But, I agree with a prior poster, you were/ are handsome regardless. Stay healthy!
  • What this does (if you are honest and log in EVERY piece of food ( including a well measured acct of how much is actually in that spoon, could be 1 or 2 tablespoons!) you will soon realize what you are putting into your steam engine daily! Most people don't. I didn't realize how much I consumed calorie wise. But, you do…