
  • Absolutely AMAZING!!!! Great job! Definitely an inspiration to others!
  • SW: 242.5 CW: 236 GW: 230 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (9/01 Monday): 236 9/06 Sat: 9/13 Sat: 9/20 Sat: 9/27 Sat: End of Month (9/30 Tue): Congrats on the weight you have already lost!!!!!! KEEP IT UP!!!!!!
  • Thanks for all the advice. I am hoping to make a new post soon announcing I have lost more weight. I guess I am just impatient. LOL! Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!
  • I am faithful about tracking my calories here on MFP and sticking to how much I am given. I don't always use the exercise calories that are given to me. I know I can always tweak my diet and what I eat. I just thought by also incorporating exercise I would lose quicker.
  • Awesome ! Great job!
  • If you are like me, its not that you don't want to lose weight. You just don't want to put in the work it takes to lose weight. That is how I am. When I think about how hard it is going to be and how long it will take, I quit before I actually even start. I am new to MFP and I have only lost three pounds but I am more…