jec2nd Member


  • Ok, so I'm dressed in gym clothes. I stared at my profile pic and asked myself if I wanted to look like that again or not. Sometimes I concede...well, I'm only 30ish pounds over weight. I used to be closer to 50lb. 30lb over is ok, right? NO!!! That pic was just from 5 years ago. That wasn't that long ago, and that type of…
  • Thanks for the replies. I decided to go eat some prunes for now. They are sweet, and while not the best fruit to eat they are much better than a shake. I've still got plenty of time tonight to work out.
  • I weight myself most days, but from doing this I've learned my own body fluctuations, about 3lbs for me. Before I record a new weight I try to ensure my weight is roughly the same for at least 2 days in a row and not just normal ups and downs. So if someone is prone to measuring often that is the advice I would give them.…
  • I'm just in the my second week of working out, and I know what you mean about the scales. I haven't seen them budge in the past 2 weeks, other than my normal 3lb fluctuation. It's a tad bit discouraging, especially considering I've worked out 6 days a week. I haven't really changed my diet much. I've only started tracking…
  • Just joined today. Dropping in....