

  • Hi there! I'm 22 and I'm at 230. I'm trying to get to Onederland! I started the Onderland challenge. Trying to lose 10 pounds by April 17th! I could really use the community and support as well. I just started getting involved yesterday!
  • Hi! I am also very late to the party but I love the idea and I am very excited about it! My name is Tremeceia. I am 22 and currently studying in China. I would love to look and feel my best when I get back to the states!!!!! My 100 day date would be the 4th of July! Woohohohohho! An excellent day to show it all off. lol :)…
  • Hi Everyone!!!! I am 22 studying abroad in china and would love to look a little thinner when I come back to the states and at my goal weight 189 by my 23rd birthday in August! My current weight: 230 I just finished a 1 hour step aerobics class! I'm not sure what I'll do tomorrow but my goal will be to burn 600 Calories…
  • Hey so I'm looking to lose 30 pounds I'm 10 weeks! I'm currently studying abroad in China but I'll be back in the states May 28th and i want to look a little slimmer! My current weight: 230 My height: 5'7 My goal weight (May 28): 199 Overall weight goal: 170 I wanna to be at my overall goal by my 23 birthday! August 19th!