

  • I think that as a recommendation it is good to eat every 4 hours, but more so that people find a balance is the key and not binge at one sitting. In a perfect world, we could all try this, but not everyones schedule can allow. And if we eat 4 meals every four hours, that would be 12 hours without eating. If I have…
  • I was referring to 1000 calorie deficit from what you were normally consuming prior to using the site. If you were previously consuming 2250 calories a day or so, then that sounds about right. Theres a lot of factors. But for goodness sakes, don't cut it below 1200, you need those!
  • Yea, 1250 is about what your body needs to function. Once you add in your physical activity for the day, it allows you more calorie consumption. So if you burned 300 calories jogging or whatever, you can now eat 1550 calories for the day. Also, eating more nutrient rich and filling food will be more satisfying and you…