

  • crap. maybe i shouldn't be part of this group after all? as much as i'd LOVE to do this entire routine with you from start to finish, i'm wondering if it'll be overkill since i just completed day 4 of the 30ds today... what do you think?
  • i started my weight loss journey at 178, i'm currently 161 & my goal is to get down to 130. when i started the shred, i was 163, so i've only lost 2 pounds with it so far, but i've lost quite a few inches & i can really feel the difference! ; D as far as my diet goes, i try to eat as many whole foods as i can & i really…
  • before i start on my last round of level 1 today, i'm going to look up some additional stretches i can do for my knees during the warm-up sequences with jillian. i don't have soreness in my knees (yet), but since about day 6, i've been feeling a lot of tension in my knees (especially my left knee!) while working out & i…
  • i have 5lb dumbbells that i use, but they get tough about halfway through each exercise that requires weights, so i end up putting them down. even though i only use weights half the time, i can see definition in my arms & for the most part, they're hard as rocks when i flex. i can definitely tell my upper body is getting…
  • i got back on mfp on january 10th of this year & i've been closely monitoring my diet ever since. i try to keep my calories at 1200, & when i exercise, i make sure to eat most if not all of those calories back. with the shred, i typically burn just under 200 calories - it always feels like i'm burning waaay more with the…
  • thank you, sweets! i'm SO looking forward to day 30! : D
  • i really didn't expect to be so sore after my first 30ds workout 'cause i was used to doing quite a bit of daily physical activity since coming back to mfp on january 10th, but i was so sore after the first day, i could barely get on & off the toilet, in or out of bed & walking was so difficult, it was almost laughable. i…
  • my girlfriend got me an hrm for my birthday (on the 20th) & i've since been using it to log all my calories burned. but before that, i would put in "circuit training, general - 20 minutes" & it actually comes very close to what my hrm tells me i'm burning.
  • holy hell, your results are mind-blowing! jillian is amazing! i have all of her other videos as well & i'll be starting on those once i'm done with the shred. ; )
  • amazing job! lookin' good! ; D
  • thank you everyone for all the awesome comments & encouragement! it's great to be inspiring & to be inspired.
  • great idea! before i started the 30ds, i drew myself a little calendar & i've been using it to record my data, but i love your spreadsheet 'cause i like the top-to-bottom comparison & it's motivating to see others there. i'm adding my info now. may i suggest you add a hips column? i'm also keeping track of my neck &…
  • i would suggest creating a side-by-side comparison photo so you can spot the differences easier, but just by looking at the two photos you provided (scrolling back & forth), i can see the most improvement in your face, arms & between your thighs. ; ) i posted some of this in another forum, but i thought i'd share it with…
  • jillian michaels has been kicking my *kitten* & it's starting to show! since starting the 30 day shred on the 13th, i've lost 1.5 inches from my upper waist, 1 inch from my lower waist, half an inch from my thighs & a whopping 4.5 inches from my hips! when i woke up this morning, i could feel that my body was smaller &…