

  • Cutting out soda is huge! congratulations! I know how hard it is for me not to order a cold dr. pepper whenever I go out to eat! 5 pounds can be fluctuation... I try to only weigh myself every couple weeks because women's weight fluctuates so much I never know if i can trust the scale! Anyways, good luck with your…
  • Trying to dance the calories off and then walking home instead of a taxi.... for sure!!! :D
  • caprice salad: sliced up tomatoes, mozzarella cheese slices, olive oil and seasoned salt or salt and pepper to taste just put the slices of cheese over the tomatoes and pour the olive oil on - you can eat it cold or microwave for a few seconds to melt the cheese. I also like to add capers to add some flavor
  • edamame - for some reason hot foods are more filling to me. Take two handfulls and boil for about 7 minutes. drain and salt. Two hand fulls are equal to a little less than a half cup of beans (the edible part of edamame
  • Romaine lettuce, mozzarella cheese, cherry tomatoes, and a little olive oil, use seasoned salt or salt and pepper to add taste. (add deli meat or fish if you please) Try cottage cheese with fresh fruit or cottage cheese with cut veggies. BBQ salad: Romaine lettuce, chicken breast, bar b q sauce (instead of salad…