

  • Believe it or not..the more you exercise the more energy you'll have and the better you'll sleep! If you force yourself for a solid week to get up and just take a good brisk walk...before you know it, you'll CRAVE the movement. You'll be able to really tell that you skipped that workout and you won't like it. :) Best of…
  • Here ya go love! This link below will explain it all! It's a MUST that you find a way to get in your calorie intake..including the extra you get awarded back to you from your exercise! Do some research on some meals you can maybe prepare the night before you busy day that you can take on the go! Good luck to you!!!!!!!!!!…
    in Confused Comment by jessieard March 2011
  • Best thing I ever did..I had mine in 2002...lost 156lbs...Before I had my surgery, I managed to "diet" my way to 315lbs. BUT..a good point was brought up here..the surgery is merely a have to learn how to use it properly. I managed to gain back 40lbs after having my daughter, of course, I was on strict bed rest…