Kalici Member


  • I am in the middle of Fallout 4, Dragon Age 3 and replaying the Bioshock series. Asking me to pick my favorite game breaks my brain a bit. It is really hard. I do like to replay KOTOR (1 and 2) and Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines a lot, so they're quite high up on the list.
  • It makes lovely gravy and soups, but I can't always be bothered waiting around that long.
  • You can't make anyone do anything they don't want to do. You've already told them what you think they should be doing, but ultimately they are adults and will make their own decisions. At this point the best thing you can do is take your sisters' advice and shut up. Constant negative reinforcement often just makes people…
  • A cheap set from walmart?
  • That is cool then! I hope you enjoy it. :)
  • That is the third book in a series! The first book in that series is Relic.
  • I am currently rereading The Light Fantastic, by Terry Pratchett. It is the second book in his Discworld series. I definitely recommend it. Fantasy is not really my genre, but I love these books.
  • I absolutely love being barefoot and I started off doing Zumba barefoot. I gave myself a lovely case of plantar fasciitis doing that. It was extremely painful and I couldn't do Zumba while it healed. Obviously we're not the same person so you might be able to get away with it, but from this side of that particular injury I…
  • "You are 30% smaller than you think you are..." Wee! I thought I might be a bit smaller than I thought I was, but not by that much.
  • If your feet start hurting you really have to check that your shoes still fit. I felt like I was walking around with railroad spikes in my arches. I got so used to shoe sizes being inconsistent across brands/styles that the different size didn't really register. Then I realized that my foot was literally sliding back and…
  • Haha, this is so true! It is a careful balancing act to get the right container and matching lid out as well. I don't even want to know how many times I've knocked them across the floor.
  • Congratulations, that is awesome. Keep up the good work.
  • Mine started doing that at 17 years old as well. She was going through kidney failure.
  • I love your obfuscation.
  • I had heard of dill pickle soup before, but never tried it because I thought it sounded bizarre. When I first saw the link all I could think was I am someone who like pickles way more than a little. I finally gave in (I substituted non-fat yogurt for the sour cream) and it was absolutely glorious. The only problem I have…
  • If going without makes you that miserable I think it would probably be better for you if you added it back in and took the carbs out elsewhere. If it were me I don't think I'd want to let something that small (that makes me that happy) be the thing that breaks my will to continue with my diet.
  • Cane sugar only has 15 calories per teaspoon full. Are you actually pouring enough in there that it makes a massive difference to your calorie allotment for the day? If you're using enough that it is making a big difference you could try using a mixture of half sugar and half equal or something similar.
  • I second everything here, in particular the tare feature. I did not understand how great it was. Now I'd be completely annoyed having to go back to one that didn't have it. Tare makes everything so much quicker and easier.
  • That is fantastic! Well done. :)
  • I have found PB2 infinitely better by adding a little salt and the evil aspartame. Before I did that it was sad and bland.
  • I only log weights under strength training because I've read many times that it barely burns any calories. I log it so I have a record of what I'm doing. If I am actually gaining any real calories from that I consider it a bonus.
  • Yes! It actually helped in more than just the normal calorie counting way too! I have become a complete light weight and realizing that I am tipsy after one drink and metaphorically plastered after two is a good thing to know.
  • The first time I tried on something that I thought was going to be way too small and it fit I know for a fact people thought I was nuts. When it happened I literally danced out of the changing room to look in the bigger surrounding mirrors. There was a crowd. They looked shocked and then laughed. I didn't even care because…