Wonderlander63 Member


  • O: you're sexy <.< I would kill to look like you, but my genetics would never let me. you should just know that I am the same age as you, 6'0 tall and 347 pounds <.< you really shouldn't worry. also weight doesnt actually matter you should actually focus on building muscle if you want to look leaner. if you go to the gym…
  • Has anyone actually gotten back on this? I know this is a really old post but I dont have a scale and would love to know what the results are :)
  • I've never ever in my life been thin, so I cant say what the best thing about it would be, although like many other people on here I am going to love the clothes, confidence and sex. but the worst things about being heavy are something I can talk about. as others have said its feeling bad about yourself but I dont just…