MarkTheBark Member


  • Finally last night was the 1st night was the first night that I haven't done late night snacking. Even though I did get in late from a meeting and working out at the gym I only had a PowerBar that I counted as part of the calorie count and after workout routine.
  • I'm back! :-) Have still been snacking in the evenings. Am determined to get better.:happy:
  • Even though I did eat shortly before bed last night it was within the calorie count for the day. @gxmiller31 - I do usually only note 1 or 2 weight ins during the week. But I'm kinda like @jafray4. I like to see the incremental progress. Day by day.
  • Hi all. I was out of town visiting family from Friday evening and returned Sunday. Thankfully I stayed within my goals on Friday and Saturday. However on Sunday and Tuesday evenings I ended up snaking a little. Consequently the weight loss progress is a bit challenging due to it fluctuating from any given lowest weight…
  • Thankfully tonight I haven't had anything, except what I considered dinner. And I don't feel hungry or have any cravings.
  • About a week and a half ago I made a decision to start walking more. I have a goal for myself to walk a minimum of 2 miles every day. Whether it is at the gym, around the neighborhood or at one of the local trails. I have already seen the results of it in shedding several pounds. Thankfully I have been also working with a…
  • Last night I had the usual post workout protien shake with fruit. But in a moment of weakness had 2 cups of plain yogurt mixed with protein powder and honey. At times I feel like I could eat mountians of food in the evening hours. Most likely because I have been in that habit and my body seems to be still in that habit too.
  • Hi all! I'm Mark. I'm glad to have found this group. I'm right there with you all. Even though I usually snack on healthier foods like yogurt, a tuna or deli sliced turkey sandwich, or apple slices with peanut butter they are still extra calories that are unnecessary.