

  • Yay! My current weight is 165.9 :)
  • Like everyone has said I think this all happens. One thing I like to do is have old pictures of what I use to look like from the past. It motivates me to want to work out more. Also taking a picture of yourself and putting it up will make you want to work out even more since its right there in your face.
  • I worked out once this week. I was going to the past two days but my daughter got sick! : ( But she is better and I am able to go back to the gym. Current Weight= 168
  • Id still consider that cardio! Walking in general is good :)
  • So my scedule has changed with school so working out and me having my spring break I just became lazy and didnt work out at all. SO I have my new scedule to work out and I am back on! I guess where I lose motivation is when I am not seeing fast results I just give up. But I know it takes time. What also helps is me seeing…
  • I dont even want to post what i ate yesterday! Feel off track. Getting back on it tomorrow!
  • Those all sound like great ideas on food. So with 200 minutes of cardio this week...what day are we ending it? Sunday? Haha im motivated to get the last minutes in...just dont know what day that is lol
  • So what kind of meals does everyone make? Im doing really good so far but I know afterawhile I get burned out fast having the same thing over and over. Anyone have any ideas? :)
  • Weigh in 3/23/2011- 169.7 Yay! super excited!! Im back in the 6 digits lol :)
  • Hello. I have a one year old daughter so I know where you are coming from! I am always in need for motivation :) Good luck!
  • okay starting weight is 172 lbs Goal weight for 5/18/2011- 150 lbs final goal- 130 lbs
  • Im in. I am going to school fulltime, work full time, and a single mom full time so my life can be prettty busy. After shopping around for a birthday dress I realized many clothes dont fit me anymore. I dont want my daughter to be 5 years old and say " I need to lose the baby weight:" I am up for the challenge. I will…