Leiose Member


  • Oh, and I've been doing keto, and I think it's the best. I feel great eating this way, and it seems to work really well. Top tips from me: Definitely get over any fear of fat you might still have! Also, be careful about checking nutrition facts and label.... carbs and sugars lurk in the most unlikely places! Don't forget…
  • Have you been to the Keto subreddit? There's also a MFP group: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/1494-reddit-keto :)
  • bumping this.....
  • Have you tried stevia and stuff sweetened with it? Zevia makes stevia-sweetened soda, if you're into that...
  • Well maybe not stop completely, but... "When you drink alcohol, it’s broken down into acetate (basically vinegar), which the body will burn before any other calorie you’ve consumed or stored, including fat or even sugar." http://www.elle.com/Beauty/Health-Fitness/Alcohol-and-Calories-Does-Drinking-Cause-Weight-Gain
    in alcohol Comment by Leiose November 2011
  • I would agree that hard liquor shots mixed with diet soda is probably your best bet... but I would also recommend avoiding alcohol as much as you can... once you have a drink, your body stops burning calories/fat, and burns off the alcohol. So not only are you adding calories to your 'budget', but you've *stopped* burning…
    in alcohol Comment by Leiose November 2011
  • Wow. It would appear that so many ppl don't know how to use Google. I thought that it was the first place ppl would go to find out what something is... guess it's just me. Oh, and gl to all the fellow slow-carbers