

  • Enjoy
    in I'm new Comment by Anastarr August 2011
  • Add Splenda and fruit like blueberries strawberries for crying out loud girl lol... The last thing you want is to get bored then you will fall off bad even portion out sugar on your measuring spoons if need be honey.
  • I have reached 50 pounds lost and now am trying to reach the last 48 pounds you can do this. Eat more fruit!!! And stay away from people who eat out too much. Also dont let everything overwhelm you. I'm partly going through the same situation. Think of your dress and how stunning you will be on your day. Breath honey your…
  • My tARGET IS 1480 so i know how you feel. Im not on that level but I dont have access to my snacks and regular eating routine. I want to get to your weight. I have been walking and lightly jogging to reach my goal. Maybe you should add snacks to your diet. The good kind,
  • I understand everything your going through. I'm 26 and i've been battling wiith my weight since I was in highschool. i wish you all the best to lose it now while your young you will be so proud of yourself that you did. I'm learning the right steps now. I'm only on day 16 and It can be discouraging. Dont give up. We can do…