

  • I just ordered it today and hope to have it soon. Good luck - everything I hear about it is great.
  • This the best site on the web. It really really works. I was a total skeptic and now 40 days later I am sold. Good luck!
    in HEY IM NEW Comment by dadoo26 May 2011
  • Stay away from processed foods like "Lean..." anything. They are loaded with salt!!! Fresh fruit and vegetables instead and eat very little food that is ready right out of the box. I guarantee you will be under every day. AND drink H20
  • The cheaper the clothes the greater the pain. I always invest in good clothing - think about how much you will use them and the result and you will see them as an investment not a waste. KEEP ON BIKIN!
  • Have had both and unless you plan to get a real fitness club professional model elliptical, better to go with the treadmill. :smile: