

  • I've done this diet before, as well as the South Beach diet, Fast Diet, even "7 day quick weight off Oriental diet"! This is the one I go back to because it's the simplest, I know I'll lose a lot of weight in the beginning, and that motivates me to stick with it. I know losing a pound a day is not sustainable, but…
  • I'm just now reading this thread about apples making you more hungry. This happens to me too, but I eat them anyway because they really help my digestion. My theory was always that all of the fiber in them worked like Roto-rooter in the stomach and cleaned it out! Not sure if I buy the adding protein thing, because protein…
  • I'm starting today. I've already done well for breakfast and lunch, so just need to not blow it when I get home. Logging in the things I've eaten shows me how many calories are in my foods - they're healthy, but I was fooling myself thinking that extra handful of nuts wasn't pushing me over the edge. I've injured my…
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