

  • I'm a longtime rider and owner but college forced me to put horses on the backburner. I found that bareback walk/trot work with no reins gave me a ridiculous core workout.
  • No, the program is not designed for women. I did it a year ago and found that I had to modify a lot of the workouts because I was putting on too much bulk in my shoulders and arms, which was not very lady-like :) That does not mean you shouldn't do it. I loved how strong I got from it, how much more flexible I was, and how…
  • I do drink a lot of water, so I've got that covered. A ridiculous amount actually, close to 16 cups per day. I should also clarify that it is not intentional coming in under 1200, it just sort of happens? I'm in college so I'm quite poor and I don't necessarily get all 3 meals a day like I should. Things to work on I…
  • Wow today was not enjoyable. My arms are so weak and so sore I feel like I did not do a very good job today :/ I'm going to have to give it a better go tomorrow.
  • So I'm currently toying with the idea of doing this twice a day. I know the point of them being short is to make them easy to commit to but I feel like it's not enough. I'm also having surgery on the 21st after which I won't be able to workout for 6 weeks (UGHHH). Thoughts on more than once per day?
  • Just did my first workout, yikes! I like to think I'm pretty fit but that was shockingly tough. Starting weight 138.8. Let's see what happens!