Hey! Add me! :)
Add me! Always looking for more support!
Wow! The fact that you put it on so rapidly, and ate relatively clean/healthy is great! Making a note of this meal plan. Are you working out as well?
- Check this out! Kind of a basic break down. There's lots of recipes for whole wheat waffles/pancakes too. Just gotta do a little digging. Anything high-fibre is usually a good carb and will help regulate bloodsugar levels throughout the day to keep your brain functioning.…
Reading it now! Thanks man!
Thanks for your advice, will keep that in mind! I'm not necessarily making a change to vegan, I just like the food and the idea behind it all. I'm eating at least 2-3 organic eggs just about every day, with about 50g-75g of protein coming from shakes and the rest from food. I'm slowly changing my weekly groceries to…
Thanks!!!! Will check these out for sure.
That's great information! I need to know all the misconceptions! Great tip, thanks! Your explanation makes total sense to me. Thanks again.
LOL I'm so into getting swole, but i spent the first 18 years of my life eating ONLY oreos and ice cream so I'm trying to avoid bulk via junk. But I mean, every once in a while I fux with an oreo milkshake :P
I agree! It's not so much a matter of NOT eating treats etc, I can definitely do that. I'd just rather do it where 75-85% of my diet are really good things for my body. I find I'm someone who's very sensitive to what I eat, so it's preferable for me to eat "clean" (meaning whole foods, non-processed, minimal preservatives,…
chrisdavey, thanks man! the problem has really always been diet and staying consistent with the number I need to hit daily. I'll do all of those things! :) appreciate it!
Alice, thanks! Yeah gaining/building is a new learning curve for me,which is a great challenge. Good to know I'm on the right track - I think I just have to add more to each meal/snack to get me there.
same here! everybody add add add :P