

  • I got a couple good runs in over the holiday break. I came back from a NOLA Christmas +3lbs. But am back on track now. I think it was leftover salt and fluids from all those shrimp poboys. Those lbs are gone, and now I'm re-focused on my final 5lbs to reach my goal by mid Feb (wedding date). Good luck everyone:)
  • I want to applaud you for being on here and sharing your struggle. That alone shows that you want are determined and takes guts. I know that everyone has a different journey, and what works for one person, may not be the answer for another. Personally, what helped me, was taking baby steps. I started with committing to…
  • I have been a pescetarian for over 10 yrs now. As a child I was raised eating meat b/c my whole family did, but my mom said that even as a baby, I just didn't like it. And just like any lifestyle change, I think planning ahead is the key to success. There was a major learning curve for both myself, and my family. There…
  • Lose this last 5 stubborn lbs to reach my goal weight. My focus for 2015 will be on maintenance, getting faster 5k and 10k times, and really focusing in on toning and building muscle.
  • Wow. You look great and yes the haircut is adorable! Keep up the great work and thank you for sharing. Good luck.
  • I'm in a similar boat! Getting married Feb. 14th. I just added you and would love to keep encouraging each other. My advice would be to change up what your doing every couple months. That way your body doesn't get too used to any one routine. Trying to do a variety of exercise has helped me so far. Good luck and I can't…
  • The mommy guilt is one of the hardest barriers. I have an almost 7yr old girl, and it took me a long time to understand the balance. I was a singly mom up until a couple years ago. So to start, I did my workouts at home. Thank goodness for youtube. There are so many great videos out there for free. I highly recommend the…
  • I think it can be extremely overwhelming when you look at how far you have to go. It almost psyches you out before you start. My suggestion, would be like some others on here, to start with small goals. Instead of trying to climb a giant mountain, start small. Take a look at what your doing now, and identify one thing you…
  • Keep your head up! The hardest thing to learn on any weight loss journey is patience. We have to remember that it took time to gain the weight that we have. And it will also take time to lose that weight. Weight loss is referred to as a journey because it is long term. It's hard to avoid getting caught up in the numbers…
  • Congrats. You look great. I am trying to lose 10-15 lbs before my dress fitting in Nov. Looking forward to posting before and after pics. I have been stuck at this "trying to lose 10-15lbs' phase and am hoping that I can stay motivated. Thanks for sharing:)