

  • Thanks so much for the advice!!!! You all have given me some really great ideas. Unfortuantely, I can't walk to work because that would mean my two younger children would have to walk 15 miles to daycare. LOL I don't think that would go over too well!!
  • It is soooo addictive! I use it on my iPhone also! I am constantly updating it!
  • Don't eat fast food a lot! Which comes back to the cooking part. Meat is very good for you (even red meat). It just about portion control. I agree with others, limit the amount you cook therefore limiting the amount you can eat. Don't cut it out too drastically though. You body is used to it and if you stop eating it all…
  • Hi! I am not from Seattle but we can all motivate each other! I love to cook (not always healthy because I'm from the South, but I'm trying!) so I could help out some with the cooking part. Feel free to add me and have a great day!!