

  • ahhhh! I LOVE the difference in the pics! And you look so cocky and proud of urself in the second one. :P Good job!
  • ditto for the goal of entering my 30's feeling and looking great! I just turned 28 this past March and am trying to lose a total of 20lbs. My 20's have been a lot of ups and downs with my weight, partly cuz of the 3 kiddos :P I'm ready for some consistancy in the wardrobe department now! :D Good luck! and you can do it!
  • Nicely done!! I love ur face in the one where you're making a sand....castle? hahahaha
  • gah! so checking this out immediately! I rarely get a chance to drink but I hate having to scrimp or practically starve myself or just skip the drinking altogether in order to stay down on cals.
  • ahhhhh! I totally just did like a squirmy-in-my-computer-chair dance of joy!
  • whoa whoa...what is a skinny girl margarita? Is it a brand name or something? Because Margaritas are kinda my drink of choice, and if there's a skinnier way to do it, I'm game! :D
  • woohoo! excellent job! Keep up the awesome-ness :happy:
  • I keep it simple with 1 cup oj, 1 banana, 1 cup fruit of my choice and then add a scoop or two of protein powder (I'm not very good at eating meat so at least I get protein this way!) The hubs doesn't like it with oj so he puts frozen yogurt in his. I'm lactose intollerant though so I skip the milk/yogurt idea.