cwrig Member


  • Yes. The flex comes with a usb bluetooth dongle you plug into the usb port on your laptop. It will then pair with your fitbit and sync directly to your laptop. Your laptop will then sync with the fitbit website. Once your data is on the fitbit website you can connect your fitbot account to the MFP account and they will…
    in FitBit Flex Comment by cwrig August 2014
  • Isn't that an awesome feeling? I was also in 48's (dress pants 50's) and an now wearing size 40. I love not shopping in the big n tall section! And I can now tuck my shirt in more than an inch!
  • It would be helpful to train outside at least a couple times a week to be ready for hills, gravel, etc... Ive been running mostly on a school track and the first time I went "off track" even minor grades kicked my but because I had become used to a perfectly flat surface.
  • That has happened to me before as well. I've tested the same blood drop with three different meters and get a 30 point spread. It is very frustrating and clearly not yet an exact science, but it is a lot better than the last generation had testing urine! In addition to calibrating, make sure you wash your hands AND dry…
  • I'm very close to your situation. Im 53 years old; 5'10"; started at 288 lbs (Jan 2014) and am down to 235 (Aug 2014). Went from 50" waist in Jan and I just bought a pair of 38" levis :) Like to lose another 60lbs. Not concerned with losing it fast; prefer to have it come off slowly and stay off. Im looking at Jan 2016 to…
  • At the point I stopped to walk my brain was convincing me it was physical, but I noticed I recovered very quickly and really had no pain; just was tired of the uncomfortableness of running for extended periods. So I have concluded its a mental toughness problem. Im sure if I was more fit, it would be less uncomfortable;…
  • Just got the garmin 220 and love it. It tracks cadence inside the watch in addition to gps and time of course. Can also add a HRM if you wish. Great watch.
  • Update: Today ends week 10 of 14 of my Couch to 5K training program. Read the rest of this thread if you want to see where I started 10 weeks ago. Ini summary; I am 53 years old have never run before, currently weigh 235lbs (down from 288lbs) Today was a 20 minute run followed by 5 minute walk followed by 5 min run. I must…
  • Fitbits are pedometers and are useful for tracking how many steps you take. Perfect for walkers. They are not very useful for anything else (running, weight training, dancing....)
  • You realize the fitbit is pretty much just a step counter. HRM will not be reliable for calorie calculations for all types of workouts. They work best for steady cardio workouts. Fitbit works well for counting steps. So if your need is to have something to calculate accurate calorie burn and you do more than walking;…
  • I've never had that reaction, but I love that Joseph's flax bread. I make breakfast sandwiches with it, use it for meat rollups, pretty much in place of bread. I can have a square of it with minimal effect on my BG. If I eat too much of it I do experience one side effect due to the flax seeds; lets just say it makes me…
  • Excellent. Sounds like you are doing great already.
  • I suggest starting right away. Some doctors seem to assume that all patience are non-compliant; meaning they just want a pill and list of things not to eat. But; Diabetes is something that has to be managed by You every time you make a decision to excise or not; and every decision of what to eat is totally up to You. As I…
  • That is what it is; a pedometer, weather it syncs with your phone or not. If your phone is not compatible; it comes with a small usb bluetooth dongle that connects to your PC and will sync with your pc directly.
  • Take a look at the Garmin Forerunner 15. It is a GPS watch to track distance, speed, pace etc... and it also has a step counter built in for activity tracking. It integrates with MFP to xfer calories burned.
  • I have the Garmin 220 and love it. So much better than dragging a phone along. The Garmin 15 also does step counting as you know, which is very nice. You simply connect it to your computer via included usb charger and it automatically uploads to Garmin's website; called "Garmin Connect". Garmin Connect is very similar to…
  • What type of workouts do you do?
  • Just finished the first intimidating 20 minute run yesteday at about a 12:30 pace. My first 5K is in 4 weeks. I'm starting to think I will actually be able to finish it with no walking.
  • Wow. Very inspiring. I started at 288lbs and have lost 52 so far. You are helping to inspire me to drop another 50; perhaps just not as fast. Congratulations!
  • You can lose 100lbs without exercising at all but its not the best idea. Lose weight by what you put in your mouth. Build your body/cardio by exercising.
  • New runner: I started on pavement and my knees complained loudly. Currently running on a ruberized HS track and knee pain has vanished. Going to do that for a couple months till my body gets stronger.
    in Runner Q&A Comment by cwrig July 2014
  • Working fine for me both directions. Garmin Forerunner 220. Just clicked the link to set it up in Garmin Connect (modern view) and from then on out its automatic. Garmin connect shows the calories logged in MFP and MFP shows the calories burned in Garmin Connect.
  • > my last 5K race was just over the 6min mile pace (31:38). That math does not add up in this universe. If you were running 6 min miles your time would be about 19 minutes.
  • The fit bit will not help if you want to track bike rides. There are a few garmin gps watches that would be better for tracking running, walking, riding that require no phone connection. Fitbit apparently has an app that will use the gps on your phone to track distance but this is no different than using any other phone…
  • I started at 290lbs and never ran at all. Tried C25K and simply could not do even the first day. So; I just walked for 2 months. First I just walked for 20 minutes every other day. Then I upped it to every day. Then I increased to 30 minutes then to 45 and before I knew it I was walking 5K distance at least a couple times…
  • Interesting topic. Im currently at 235lbs (16.7 stones) and am halfway through C25K. Im currently just trying to get to running longer than 15 minutes, but my pace when running is 12min/mile. So, Id be thrilled with you're time. My goal is to run a 5K in Sept at 30-31 minutes.
  • If you are just walking, a Fitbit would be helpful. If you are running; it wont be very useful as its just counting bounces and cannot properly log distance or speed if you are running.
  • With Endomondo you dont also need a podcast as it has 5K training plans build in with audio coach. An advantage of the endomondo training plan is it adapts to your fitness. If you are outrunning the plan, it increases the difficulty. If you are not keeping up, it adjusts the plan to be a bit easier; adjusting every monday.…
  • If you're using a smartphone, I like Endomondo. It tracks your running, provides stats and hasd 5K training plans at different levels. You can input the date of your race and it will create a training plan based on that date.
  • I got the Garmin Forerunner 220. Only done one run with it so far, but I love it. So light; and looking at the route map seems a bit more accurate than phone gps.